Saturday 23 June 2012

I Am Lukky I Have Friend Like U

friends quotes
I Am Lucky I Have Friend Like U

Sweat roses are easy to catch....
Sweat words are easy to speak....
Sweat Friends are hard to get....
I am luky i got your...
Cute Friendship........

ABCD of Friendship...

abcd of friendship
ABCD of Friendship
A Accept u as u are
B Believes in you
C Call u just to say hi
D Doesn't give up on you
E Envisions the whole of you
F Forgive your mistake 
G Give unconditionally 
H Helps you 
I Invites you over 
J Just like to be with you 
K Keeps you close to hearty
L Loves you for you u are 
M Make a difference in your life 
N Never judges you
O Offers supports
P Pick you up when you are down 
Q Quiets your tear 
R Respect you 
S Say nice things when you need to hear it!
T Try to always  make you smile 
U Understand you 
V Values you 
W Walks beside you
X Xplain you things which you don't understand 
Y Yells you when u need yo listen
Z Zips you back to reality 

Difference b/w love and Friendship.....

Difference b/w love and Friendship.....
You give your whole heart
To your love and they break
You give your broken heart
To a friend &
They made it.... 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Her Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Haiiiii......

Her Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Haiiiii......
A toooooo Z....
Her Ek Friend Zaroori Hota Haiiiii......
Love u Friends
Her ek friend Zaroori hota hai yarrrrrrrr...

Friends Forever.....

Friends Forever.....
Side By Side...
Miles Apart.....
Friends are always.....
Close to heart....,